Pet blogging in 2022

Hello, today I’m taking part in the annual “Pet bloggers Journey” hosted by the web site Puppy in Training.

Myself and other pet bloggers answer the same questions about blogging goals and struggles. It’s a way to help each other out (blogging can get lonely!).

My answers to the 9 questions are below.

You can see a list of all the participants’ at the end of this article on the Puppy in training blog.

If you have a blogging question or suggestion for That Mutt, please leave a comment at the end of this article!

I really appreciate comments and feedback.

Pet blogging in 2022 – nine Questions

Me, Rip & Remy!

1. When did you begin your blog and what do you write about?

I started That Mutt in March 2008. Articles here are about pet dog training & behavior and life with my dogs.

First it was about Ace the black lab mix and now it’s about Remy the weimaraner and Rip the yellow lab pup.

Here’s my favorite post from 2021: “Have you ever picked the wrong breed?”

It’s about the different personalities of my three dogs and how you don’t always get the pet dog you want, but you get the pet dog you need.

2. name one thing about your blog that you accomplished during 2021 that made you a lot of proud.

At the end of 2021, I made a decision to re-launch my old website, It’s now a blog about running with your pet dog and lists out all the pet dog friendly races in the U.S. from 5Ks on up to ultramarathons.

Run That Mutt was the domain I used for my professional pet dog walking and running service for 12 years.

Since I started blogging full time, had just been sitting there, so I’m ecstatic to grow it again and combine two of my favorite things: dogs and running!

3. What was the greatest blogging challenge you faced in 2021? how did you tackle it?

Staying focused.

I haven’t tackled it.

I need to work on not checking email or random other “stats” and just do the work. I will start setting aside timed 45-minute blocks of uninterrupted focus. then build from there.

4. tell us one thing you learned in 2021 that can help us all become better bloggers.

Write down your goals for the year. then break it down to goals for the month and for the week. review them a lot of days to stay on track.

I have personal goals, service goals and pet dog training goals.

Also, change your goals whenever you feel like it. I edit my goals all the time. I don’t indicate making them easier, but often I’ll do that. I indicate absolutely scratching some and writing new goals that inspire me.

People change a lot over a year, or at least I do.

5. What are your top three blogging goals for 2022?

A. Prep my weekly email newsletters out in development so they’re scheduled by the time our kid is born (due April 4!) and for those first couple of months after he’s born.

B. continue to grow That Mutt’s traffic by focusing on SEO – generally updating older content and obtaining backlinks. This is a never-ending project but thankfully I take pleasure in it.

C. grow Run That Mutt’s traffic and email list. I would love to have it qualify for Mediavine (ad service) by the end of the year. and kid does it have a long way to go!

6. In the best world, where do you see yourself and your blog one year from now?

That Mutt’s traffic and ad profits have gone up at least 30% and Run That Mutt qualifies for Mediavine ads.

7. If you had $1,000 to spend on your blog how would you spend it?

Google ads for sending traffic to

8. What is one skill you’d like to learn or improve in 2022?

For me, this year is going to have to be about being flexible. (Baby on the way!) I am obsessed with routines and lists and schedules, so being flexible is absolutely a skill I will need to improve.

I’m getting better at letting go of the things I can’t control or clearly am not ready to work on. This allows me to focus on what is a lot of crucial to me.

So, saying no a lot more often will be important. and not necessarily to others but to the things I tend to pile upon myself!

9. If you could ask the pet blogging community for help with one challenge you’re having with your blog, what would it be?

Please visit Run That Mutt and sign up for the newsletter if the site interests you (at the bottom of the home page). Or share the site with a runner you know. Bu harika olurdu! If you’ve participated in a pet dog friendly race that you don’t see listed, please let me know and I’ll add it.

Also, I’m lacking in affiliate profits compared to the traffic I have here on that Mutt. For those of you who do well with Amazon’s affiliate program or Chewy or others, what are your suggestions?

Is tİşte gerçekten çok yardımcı buldun mu? Yoksa sizin için çalıştığını paylaşmanın sağlam bir fikriniz var mı? teşekkür ederim!


Buradaki “Peg Blogcers Journey” nin katıldığı diğer tüm blogcuları bulabilirsiniz.

Lindsay Stordahl bu muttun kurucusudur. Pet köpek eğitimi, evcil köpek egzersizi ve sağlıklı bir ham diyet besleme hakkında yazıyor.

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